A letter from Mrs Luwel and Pfeffer acting under the VOKA flag to the mayor of the city of Antwerp and the Alderman responsible for port, urban development, spatial planning and patrimony is demanding the resignation of Mr. Jacques Vandermeiren – CEO of the Port of Antwerp-Bruges. The press received a copy of the letter.…
Otzma Yehudit, Hamas, Religious Zionism, The Islamic Republic and Ayatollah’s, United Russia Party and other Global Criminal Organisations.
As Treasurer of the NGO Juventus I had a very interesting meeting with our Banker last week. On our question: “what would be a relative safe investment portfolio” he responded with a profound Global Political Analysis that was – to say the least – rather pessimistic. After that i realised that a large part of…
Surprise, Surprise. Logistic players including shipping companies are not willing to share sensitive data on the TradeLens platform, so it is decided to close it down. Maersk announced that it had failed to find willing collaboration globally with all stakeholders in the industry and, as a result, TradeLens was no longer viable as an independent…
Dit verhaal begint met een brief van een gerechtsdeurwaarder in de brievenbus, een ervaring die ik nog nooit heb mogen meemaken en nu met Alfapass voor de eerste maal. Met licht opgetrokken wenkbrauwen alweer een levenservaring rijker. Het vermoedelijke onderwerp van de “Minnelijke ingebrekestelling” is badge 167460 van Alfapass CV over een rekening INV22-013557 van…
MSC buys Bolloré Africa
€ 5.7 billion is the MSC bid for 100% of Bolloré Africa Logistics which has now been accepted. It covers all transport and logistics activities in Africa. The Swiss-Italian – Aponte family group got access to the data room and started audits and contractual negotiations. Employee representatives of both groups have also agreed after successful…
Urgent need to expand container capacity in the Port of Antwerp – Realy?
A Simple Mind Viewer’s…. or KIS (Keep It Simple) When Jacques Vandermeiren – CEO of the Antwerp Port Authority – pleads for more container capacity, the question is not how much but where and how. Is there still enough surface area between the Dutch border and the Antwerp Port area to create sufficient storage capacity?…
Dringend meer containercapaciteit voor de Antwerpse Haven’
A Simple Mind Viewer’s…. of KIS (Keep It Simple) Als Jacques Vandermeiren pleit voor meer containercapaciteit is de vraag niet hoeveel maar waar en hoe. Is er nog voldoende oppervlakte tussen de Nederlandse grens en het Antwerps Havengebied om voldoende opslagcapaciteit te creëren ? Moet de uitbreiding zich dan enkel focussen op kadecapaciteit – want…
ARA Ports, Container Carriers & Surcharges on Multimodal Operations
Again all stakeholders are pointing fingers to the splinters in the eyes of everybody else while not willing to see the beam sticking in their own eye. And than there is COVID-19, the most convenient excuse to claim surcharges and implement excessive 10,000 Usd+ ocean freight levels. The MSC’s, CMA-CGM’s, Maersk’s, Hapag-Lloyd’s etc… now all…
ULCS’s, het verliezen van containers en de Suez Crisis.
ULCS (Ultra Grote Containerschepen) Zal dit de eye-opener en wake-up call zijn voor de container scheepvaart industrie? Waarschijnlijk niet, maar het geeft wel aanleiding tot enige reflectie over het concept van ULCS’s en schepen van meer dan 20.000 TEU. Wat ik kan delen uit mijn ervaring. In 1999-2000 hadden we een ontmoeting met de ingenieurs…
ULCS’s, loosing containers and the Suez Crisis.
ULCS (Ultra Large Container Ships) Will this be the eye-opener and wake-up call to the container shipping industry? Not likely but it does allow for some reflexion over the concept of ULCS’s and 20.000 ++ TEU vessels. Some history I can share from my experience. In 1999-2000 did we meet up with the engineers of…